Call for Presentations

//Call for Presentations
Call for Presentations 2020-09-21T17:07:46+00:00

Call for Presentations 

Notice concerning the COVID19 crisis:

In view to the unpredictable global development of the ongoing COVID19 crisis, it is not clear if overseas travelling will be normalized by November 2020. Hence, we plan to prepare, for the first time, an on-line eGRID workshop. We will offer speakers, panelists and authors, who cannot travel to Aachen, the opportunity to give an on-line presentation, using a digital platform. Details about the practical implementation and preparation of your presentation, as well as registration fee, will follow soon. Based on our personal experience with this new digital format, which may become the norm in the coming years, we are convinced that with your contributions the workshop will be successful.

Instructions for preparing plenary panel presentationsInstructions for preparing plenary panel presentations

If you are interested in holding a presentation on the plenary panel sessions, please check your abstract prior to submission regarding the compliance with the guidelines listed below.

1. All abstracts must be written in English and submitted via ExOrdo before the deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.

2. Authors can only select one topic.

3. All abstracts need to be single column, double space, 11-12 pt font size, max. 2 pages, w/o bibliography.

4. A list of references in the bibliography is mandatory.

5. No indication of authors and their affiliation is to be made in the abstract.

Non-compliance with the official submission guidelines may lead to rejection of your submission.