Local Organization Committee
General Chair: Prof. Rik W. De Doncker, Director FEN and E.ONERC
Assistant Chair: Steffen Beushausen, ISEA|EONERC and FEN
Treasurer: Johannes Voss, PGS|EONERC and FEN
Technical Program Chair: Prof. A. Monti, Director ACS|E.ON ERC; Prof. Albert Moser, IAEW
Co-Chair Technical Program: Chairs of the Germany Chapter PES, Dr. A.-K. Marten, 50 Hertz and Joint Chapter IAS-PELS-IES, Prof. Griepentrog, LEA|TU Darmstadt; Jingxin Hu, PGS|E.ONERC
Tutorial Chair: Prof. Ferdi Ponci, Chair MOD|E.ONERC, IEEE I&M Society AdCom
Co-Chair Tutorials: Chief Engineers R. Averous, PGS|E.ONERC and Bettina Schaefer, ACS|E.ONERC; Shenghui Cui, PGS|E.ONERC
Publication Chair: Dr. Sabine Vogel, E.ON ERC
Marketing Chair: Sascha Falkner, FEN
Sponsor and Exhibition Chair: Markus Neubert, ISEA|E.ONERC & Dr. Marina Maicu, FEN
Technical Tours Chair: Dr. Michael Schubert, ISEA
Social Program Chair: Margret Janoschka, E.ONERC & Jessica Maassen, ISEA
Student Activities Chair: Dr. Annegret Klein-Heßling, Chair RWTH Student Branch
Representing PES on the local organization committee: Miroslav Begovic, Texas A&M, Igor Kuzle University of Zagreb