In view of the ongoing COVID19 crisis, the IEEE eGrid 2020 workshop will be organized on-line. This way we offer speakers, panelists and authors, who cannot travel to Aachen, the opportunity to give on-line presentations, using a digital platform. Details about the practical implementation and preparation of your presentation, as well as registration fees, are accessible on the homepage under Submission/Submission Guidelines and Registration/Fees, respectively. Based on our personal experience with this new digital format, which may become the norm in the coming years, we are convinced that with your contributions the workshop will be successful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact info@egrid2020.org.
Welcome to IEEE eGrid 2020 in Aachen!
No doubt, the market liberalization of the energy sector, about twenty years ago, has increased diversification and decentralization of power generation. This change in policies enabled the use of renewables, such as wind or photovoltaic as well as smallscale combined heat and power (CHP) systems. It is widely understood that the transition towards a CO2 neutral electricity production requires the electrification of many sectors, e.g. heating and cooling (heat pumps), e-mobility and power-to-x (electrolysers, fuel cells). To realize this transition, new grid structures, which offer increased flexibility and controllability at transmission and distribution level, are needed. eGrid 2020 aims at understanding the technology options towards an efficient, sustainable and affordable electrical grid.
We are delighted to host the 5th IEEE Workshop on the Electronic Grid (eGrid) 2020 from November 2-4, 2020 in a fully virtual format.
This workshop is sponsored jointly by the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) and the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), hosted at RWTH Aachen University, organized by the E.ON Energy Research Center (E.ON ERC) and the BMBF Flexible Electrical Networks (FEN) Research Campus consortium, and supported by IEEE Joint IAS-PELS-IES German Chapter, the IEEE German PES Chapter and the IEEE RWTH Student Branch & Joint Chapter Aachen. eGrid 2020 will offer tutorials, keynotes and workshops.
We are looking forward to seeing you at eGrid 2020 in Aachen!